
NHS Trust in Essex.


Operational hospital with above ground tank farm, located in a residential area of town.


Compass was commissioned to assist the client in discharging planning conditions pertaining to contaminated land, during the decommissioning of an above ground fuel storage tank farm and redevelopment as an electricity sub-station.


To meet the clients’ objectives, Compass completed a Phase I desk study and site walkover to identify potential sources of contamination, pollutant pathways and environmental receptors.

Following decommissioning of the tank farm Compass undertook a Phase II site investigation to assess the presence and extent of contamination under the tanks and the surrounding area.

Samples of soil and groundwater were collected and evaluated for the presence of hydrocarbon contamination.

Gross hydrocarbon contamination was identified in soils directly beneath the tank and groundwater contamination was found to be migrating off site.

Compass prepared a detailed quantitative groundwater risk assessment which modelled the migration of groundwater contamination to the nearest surface water receptor.

Compass provided regulatory consultation to support with the planning process and to ensure that planning conditions could be discharged.
